Chris Todd specializes in litigation and white collar criminal defense.
Prior to joining the firm in 1994, Chris was head of the Litigation Group at Johnson & Gibbs. Chris’s extensive career in government service includes service as a law clerk to a federal judge, as associate counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel under Lawrence Walsh during the Iran/Contra Matter, and as Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Criminal Division in the United States Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York, where he conducted the prosecution of numerous violations of federal law, including multi-defendant business fraud and tax evasion cases. Prior to serving in the Southern District, Chris also served as a Trial Attorney for the Department of Justice’s Tax Division, Criminal Section, where he conducted numerous jury trials and grand jury investigations involving tax evasion.
For the past 10 years, Chris has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of College Year in Athens, a study abroad program located in Athens, Greece.